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  • Master of Arts in English

    Language: English

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MA in English (2 Years)

The program in MA in English is a 2 years one comprising 2 semesters. The curriculum consists of GED and Core courses. Students will have to take a minimum of 15 credits in 4 semesters over the period of 2 years MA program. Students will take minimum 15 credits in each semester. Maximum course is of 3 credits and one is of 4 credits.

MA in English (1 Year)

The program in MA in English is a 1 year one comprising 2 semesters. The curriculum consists of GED and Core courses. Students will have to take a minimum of 40 credits in 2 semesters over the period of 1-year MA program. Students will take minimum 20 credits in each semester. Maximum course is of 3 credits and is of 4 credits.

Vision of the Program

The Department of English seeks to promote the university’s mission to encourage freedom of inquiry, the pursuit of truth and care for others through teaching, scholarship and service of the highest caliber. The programs offered are committed to teach students that will promote cultural awareness, diversity and ethics and morality through the study of English language and literature. The Department emphasizes on supporting high quality, student-oriented, undergraduate and graduate education provided by a faculty dedicated to excellent teaching. Our graduates are competent with crucially practical skills, content knowledge and research methods in language and literature. In addition, our graduates are well prepared for professional and graduate studies and for lifelong learning.

Mission of the Program

The program offers practical academic experience through enhancing linguistic excellence and aesthetic sensibility, enabling the students to globally meet the diverse industrial challenges of the 21st Century. Thus, the students will develop:
  • MOU 1 Outstanding interactive communicative competence as well as outstanding public speaking and presentation skills.
  • MOU 2 Extraordinary understanding of critical thinking, especially in relation to analyzing, synthesizing, and producing the English language.
  • MOU 3 Appropriate contributors to serve the national and global needs scholastically, industrially, and ideologically.

Objectives of the Program

After successful completion of one-year MA in ELT the graduates will-
  • Be competent teachers at the secondary and tertiary levels of English.
  • Get a practical idea about (second and foreign) language context.
  • Become proficient ELT practitioners related to language teaching principles, planning, syllabus design, material development, and language testing practices.
  • Enhance their English language teaching knowledge in various academic and administrative fields.

Program Educational Objectives [PEOs]

The statements that highlight the expected post-study achievements of graduates in the first three to five years following MA completion are known as the Program Educational Objectives (PEOs). Program stakeholders' interests, local and global demands, the institution's mission and vision, long-term objectives, etc., all influence the PEOs. It is anticipated that these will constantly change to meet the demands and expectations of the local industry, employers, and alumni. The following are the PEOs of CBIU's MA in ELT:
  • PEO 1: By understanding how language acquisition occurs in various circumstances in accordance with various theoretical and methodological viewpoints, the graduates will be able to establish themselves as valuable human resources.
  • PEO 2: Through the development of an efficient curriculum, assessment practices, creative technological applications, and knowledge of language-based identity building, the graduates will be able to contribute to the production of human capital.
  • PEO 3: By producing additional knowledge with the goal of guaranteeing sustainability in academic and social domains, the graduates will be able to develop the acquired knowledge on English language instruction in various circumstances.

Program Learning Outcomes [PLOs]

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) are known as the skills that an MA in English Language Teaching (MA in ELT) graduate would possess upon graduation.
A graduate of MA in ELT will achieve the following PLOs:
  • PLO 1: Enhance graduates’ knowledge of the ways language works in the brain and their comprehension of second language acquisition theories, instructional strategies, and language teaching concepts;
  • PLO 2: Prepare graduates to formulate language testing and evaluation methods, create resources, design curricula, and develop syllabi;
  • PLO 3: Teach graduates the various ideas of sociolinguistics and psycholinguistics, language planning, and policy building for curriculum development;
  • PLO 4: Deliver the graduates information on how to teach languages, how to use technology creatively in the classroom, how to develop an identity that is consistent with discourse, and how English became the standard language in the world;
  • PLO 5: Generate knowledge in various contexts, the graduates must do descriptive, experimental, or empirical research on a range of topics and phenomena to linguistics and/or English language teaching;
  • PLO 6: Foster graduates’ ability to communicate effectively so they may exhibit their knowledge and critically evaluate the topics they have studied.

Study Options:

Qualification Length Code
Master of Arts in English 1/2 years full time MELL

Course Structure:

Program Total Credit GED Core Courses:
MA in English Literature: 1 year 40 2 Subjects/ 4 Credits 12 Subjects/ 36 Credits
MA in ELT 1 year 40 2 Subjects/ 4 Credits 12 Subjects/ 36 Credits
MA in ELT 2 years 61 2 Subjects/ 6 Credits 18 Subjects/ 55 Credits

Frequently Asked Question

The Department of the English Language and Literature (ELL) strives to inspire excellence in the creation, application, and dissemination of knowledge in MELL comprehensive educational programs

Basic: At least GPA 5 (having minimum GPA 2.5 or 2nd division in both SSC & HSC or in equivalent examinations)
OR: At least GPA 6 (combined, but score not less than GPA 2 in any individual examination)
OR: The Children of Freedom Fighters: A total GPA of 5.00 or more in S.S.C. and H.S.C. Examinations combined
Level : Completed 5 subjects with no E in any subject.
A Level: Completed 2 subjects with no E in any subject.
In addition, the student has to have at least four C with no E in all seven subjects combined in O and A levels.
OR: A United States High School Diploma with required minimum grade point.

Each course is assessed in 100 Marks with a breakdown of class tests, presentations, mid-term and final exams and viva-voce as follow:
Attendance & Behavior: 10
Class Tests: 10
Assignment: 10
Mid-term exam: 20
Final exam: 50
Total: 100

The following is the graduate profile of the Department of English Language and Literature:
Scholars: The graduates of our department are expected to develop a broad based course of knowledge and a competency to decide on their priorities. They will have a wide range of options i. e. education, journalism and editing, arts and media etc.
Educators: With an adequate knowledge of disciplinary expertise and aesthetic sensibility, our graduates are in a position to formalize any pedagogical problem and solve that in a methodical way.
Researchers: Our graduates will concentrate on the current issues to pursue research and development in the respective field they will work.
Innovators: Our graduates will be focused on future-proof diligence. They are critical thinkers, creative inventors and efficient policy makers. They are capable of evolving unique and justifiable expositions to the academic and intellectual demands of the world.
Leaders: Graduates of our department can undertake personal responsibility and seek opportunities to work with others to advance thinking and achievement in all spheres of their lives. They are confident, inclusive, inspiring and influential.
Entrepreneurs: Graduates of our department can contribute to the society by establishing their own education center thus developing their own means of livelihood and to create workplace for others.