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  • Bachelor of Business Administration

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Course Overview

Cox’s Bazar International University (CBIU) established in 2013, Faculty of Business Administration (FBA) has started their academic activities in 2014. FBA offers specialized programs such as BBA (Major in Accounting, Finance, Management, Human Resources Management, Marketing), Master of Business Administration (MBA), Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA). FBA is committed to offering a world-class tertiary education in business in Bangladesh. Unashamedly, FBA strives to maintain a student-centric, outcome-focused and highly resourceful learning ecosystem.

Our faculty activities and performances are driven by our mission to ensure:

  • 1 innovative teaching and learning
  • 2 impactful research
  • 3 an aptitude and a mindset for life-long learning
  • 4 a healthy attitude towards working with stakeholders as one team

Bachelor of Business Administration

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) at CBIU is a four-year, 132 credit hour program. The BBA program combines classroom, workplace, extra-curricular and international experiences and prepares students to solve the business problems of today and tomorrow. The program lets you arrange these experiences to suit your interests, goals and lifestyle, and provides the support and guidance you need along the way. In the BBA Program, the courses are grouped into three parts: as described in the table. The prescribed minimum total credit hours (132 credit hours) will have to be met for graduation.

Total Credit General Education Courses Foundation Courses Major in Finance or HRM or Accounting or Management and Accounting Internship Defense
132 Credits 30 Credits 69 Credits 27 Credits 3 Credits 3 Credits


The central vision of the Faculty of Business Administration (FBA) is to contribute towards business education, research, business leadership, consultancy and corporate excellence and to extract the potentialities from youth and make the students worthy in the business world so that they can meet the challenges of today's new business environment.


The mission of the Faculty of Business Administration (FBA) is to encourage quality education and provide recent insight of Business world. . This mission will be achieved by imparting world class education and providing research facilities so that the students can achieve their intellectual, social, and personal potentials. FBA is committed to developing human capital by cultivating creative thinking in individuals.


  • Outcome based Education(OBE) Curriculum
  • Affordable Cost and Waiver
  • Experienced Faculties
  • Research Based Education
  • Supportive Learning Environment
  • Industry Exposure
  • Co-curriculum and Extra- curriculum Activities
  • Job Opportunities: BCS
  • Bank, National & Multinational Companies, NGOs
  • Well Equipped lab facilities
  • Credit transfer facilities to other Universities
  • Credit transfer and weaver in Emporium University(USA)
  • Scholarship and Financial Aid

Study Options:

Qualification Length Code
Bachelor of Business Administration 4 years full time BBA

Frequently Asked Question

The Department of the Business Adminsitration (DBA) strives to inspire excellence in the creation, application, and dissemination of knowledge in BBA comprehensive educational programs

Basic: At least GPA 5 (having minimum GPA 2.5 or 2nd division in both SSC & HSC or in equivalent examinations)
OR: At least GPA 6 (combined, but score not less than GPA 2 in any individual examination)
OR: The Children of Freedom Fighters: A total GPA of 5.00 or more in S.S.C. and H.S.C. Examinations combined
Level : Completed 5 subjects with no E in any subject.
A Level: Completed 2 subjects with no E in any subject.
In addition, the student has to have at least four C with no E in all seven subjects combined in O and A levels.
OR: A United States High School Diploma with required minimum grade point.

Each course is assessed in 100 Marks with a breakdown of class tests, presentations, mid-term and final exams and viva-voce as follow:
Attendance & Behavior: 10
Class Tests: 10
Assignment: 10
Mid-term exam: 20
Final exam: 50
Total: 100

Usually a student who will graduate from the Business faculty will:
learn fundamental and core knowledge of business.
be able to understand qualitative and quantitative information related to business world and critically assess them to practically use on real business case.
have good analytical ability to analyze situations, identify the problem and resolve them effectively and efficiently.
be more communicative and professional.
become a leader of a team who will work independently and responsibly.
have awareness on business law that are applicable on both national business and international business.
learn on local and international aspects of intellectual, political, economic activities as well as demographic and socio cultural diversity.
have awareness and understanding of the ethical and social issues of business.
have good command on conceptual and technical aspects on different business related course to apply at the planning, decision making and implementation phase.
be able to build them as a successful entrepreneur by making effective business decision.
learn on corporate social responsibility of business to build them as a responsible citizen of the country.
become a lifelong learner through self-study and professional development programs.

Semester wise Courses:

Semester Number: 1
SL Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequisite
1 ENG-1101 English Foundation 3
2 BUS-1101 Introduction to Business 3
3 CSE-1101 Computer Fundamentals with Lab 3
4 BUS-1102 Business Communication 3
5 BNG-1101 Bengali Language and Literature 3
6 MGT-1101 Principles of Management 3
Semester Number: 2
SL Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequisite
1 ACC-1201 Principles of Accounting 3
2 BNG-1202 History of emergence of Bangladesh 3
3 MKT-1201 Principles of Marketing 3
4 SOC-1201 Introduction to Sociology 3
5 FIN-1201 Business Finance 3
6 ENG-1202 Four Skills of English Language 3
Semester Number: 3
SL Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequisite
1 ENV-2301 Introduction to Environmental Science 3
2 BUS-2303 Business Mathematics 3
3 ECO-2301 Micro Economics 3
4 PSY-2301 Introduction to Psychology 3
5 LAW-2301 Legal System of Bangladesh 3
Semester Number: 4
SL Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequisite
1 STAT-2401 Business Statistics 3
2 BUS-2404 Introduction to Banking 3
3 LAW-2402 Business Law 3
4 ECO-2402 Macro Economics 3
5 BUS-2405 Entrepreneurship Development 3
Semester Number: 5
SL Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequisite
1 HRM-3501 Human Resource Management 3
2 HTM-1102 Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism Industry 3
3 BUS-3506 Insurance and Risk Management 3
4 BUS-3508 International Business 3
5 ACC-3502 Financial Accounting 3
Semester Number: 6
SL Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequisite
1 MGT-3602 Project Management 3
2 LAW-3603 Taxation and Auditing 3
3 BUS-3609 Research Methodology 3
4 BUS-3610 Organizational Behavior 3
5 FIN-3602 Financial Management 3
6 MKT-3603 Consumer Behavior 3
Semester Number: 7
SL Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequisite
1 HRM-4702 Compensation and Benefits Management 3
2 HRM-4703 Industrial Law and Relations 3
3 HRM-4704 Strategic Human Resource Management 3
4 HRM-4705 Supply Chain Management 3
5 HRM-4706 Total Quality Management 3
6 FIN-4703 Portfolio Management 3
7 FIN-4704 Working Capital Management 3
8 FIN-4705 Bank Fund Management 3
9 FIN-4706 Corporate Risk Management 3
10 FIN-4707 Corporate Finance 3
Semester Number: 8
SL Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequisite
1 HRM-4807 International Human Resource Management 3
2 HRM-4808 Conflict and Dispute Resolution 3
3 HRM-4809 Career and Talent Management 3
4 MGT-4803 Strategic Management 3
5 BBA-5101 Internship 3
6 BBA-5102 Viva Voce 3
7 FIN-4808 Investment Analysis 3
8 FIN-4809 International Trade Finance 3
9 FIN-4810 Financial Institutions and Markets 3