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Introduction to CBIU

The prime objectives of Cox‘s Bazar International University (CBIU) are to provide excellent education at the undergraduate and graduate levels in coherence with the needs of the dynamic 21st century society. The courses and curricula are designed to enable our young generation to step into the competitive world of activities and to pursue higher study and knowledge of professional goals. The whole world is heavily dependent on Information Technology and our society cannot keep aloof from this technology. We have to equip our children so as to face the challenges of the 21st century.

Attributes of CBIU

CBIU is an educational entity where there is an opportunity for students with diversified skills, exposure, experience and outlook. Attributes that may be considered as strengths of CBIU are:
  • Rigorous admission and selection process for best possible screening.
  • Interactive sessions in the classroom.
  • Regular guest lectures and educational visits.
  • Tradition of timeliness, commitment and uninterrupted curriculum.
  • Flexibility in choosing competent faculties through outsourcing.
  • Well thought-out and continuous feedback and assessment system.
  • Effective teaching through innovative method.
  • Industrial attachment for on job training.
  • Emphasis on code of conduct.
  • Focus to develop students as a good human with all possible attributes of a successful leader.
  • Continuous effort to build strong industry-academia bondage.
  • Tranquil, pollution free and secure campus life.

Vision of CBIU

Starting its journey in 2013, Cox‘s Bazar International University is committed to bringing best possible education to the younger generation. The university produces self-confident graduates who are capable to face the challenges of the time. Being the only university of the district, it will continue its efforts uplift of local society, education and culture.

Mission Statement

The mission of the University is to:
  • PProvide tertiary level education by conferring Bachelors and Master degrees;
  • Overcome the social, educational and economic challenges by providing high standard education to the new generations;
  • Produce educated human resources and to play a key role to achieve the sustainable development goals of Bangladesh.


  • To establish a prestigious academic institute for studies in different fields of humanities, social science, law, engineering and technology for civil officials/ students from home and abroad at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
  • To organize courses in science and technology in various areas of interest.
  • To hold examinations and confer certificates /diplomas/degrees, other academic distinctions, to and on persons who have persuaded a course of study and have passed examinations conducted by the university.
  • To confer research degrees, award fellowship, scholarship, exhibition, prizes, medals and honorary degrees to persons who have carried out research works under conditions as prescribed in the CBIU regulations.
  • To make provisions for advisory, research and consultation service including supervisions, material testing and to enter into suitable agreement with any persons/organizations for this purpose.
  • To co-operate with Universities / Technical Institutions including signing of Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) at home and abroad, in the manner and purpose as the institute may determine.
  • To do such other acts, related to above-mentioned objectives, as may be required in order to expand the objectives of the university.